It has truly been a great start to the new year. We started out the year by asking the question; What style handbags will dominate 2010? Our guess was studded bags. Some said giraffe prints would continue to be the most popular style for 2010 as it was for 2009. Others have written in and said patchwork bags and Spy bags would hold their own. So far, everybody is correct. 2010 has been an awesome year for different styles and selections. Great webstores like Gifts By Madison, Handbagmadness, and Madison Nicole Handbags have not disappointed.
These three powerhouse sellers of designer inspired handbags have been right on with their great selection of styles and colors. Affordable fashion bags and wallets that allow you to have that great and expensive celebrity look for a fraction of the price. If you like Coach, LV, Fendi, Chloe and Gucci style handbags. Gifts By Madison, Handbagmadness and Madison Nicole Handbags have an unmatched selection of Designer Inspired Handbags that share that same sense of style as the high priced designers. Take a look at some of the new items.

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