Celebrities truly love their Designer Handbags. Whether it's on the red carpet or just strolling down the street, some of the hottest celebs are carrying some of the hottest designer handbags around.
At Handbagmadness we understand that not everyone can afford to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a handbag. So, today at Handbagmadness we are going to show you how you can get that same celebrity look for a heck of a lot less.
Ashley Tisdale Style : Fendi Spy-Zucca Handbag
Now that's a great looking handbag, but it's about $2000.00. Here's a look for a lot less. We found this little number at: http://www.madisonnicolehandbags.com/ for only $32.99.
Eva Longoria Style: Gerard Darel 48 Hour Barcelona Bag
Once again another great Handbag, but in excess of $1000.00. Checkout this Designer Inspired beauty that we found at: www.giftsbymadison.com for only $34.99.
You don't have to be rich to look like you are. Tell us what you think.
What great looking handbags. Gifts By Madison is a great alternative to those pricey designer bags.
Great selection and even better service. I shop at Gifts by Madison all the time
Best deals around. I wish I could afford the name brands, but I get the same look without going broke.
I wish I had known about Gifts By Madison years ago. Madison Nicole Handbags is also a great webstore.
I recommend Gifts By Madison to all of my girlfriens. I love the store.
I'm not a hugh fan of knockoffs, but they do have some really, really nice bags.
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